The online registrations are closed and final. We have 400+ confirmed participants!
If you follow our Facebook channel, you noticed that we will have a tombola with some amazing prices. Prizes will be drawn only among the participants present at the draw.
1x Vespa Primavera 125 75th Anniversary (List price 4.700 €)
1x SIP Road 3.0 Exhaust (List price 160 €)
1x Shad SW 18 Waterproof bag (List price 115 €)
“Srečelov” organizira Vespa Klub Slovenija (“VKS”, “Organizator”), Meljski dol 1, 2000 Maribor, na podlagi sklepa izrednega občnega zbora VKS z dne 26.3.2022.
Srečelov se bo izvajal v okviru prireditve Slovespa 2022 Portorož (“Prireditev”). V nagradni igri lahko sodelujejo vsi prijavljeni udeleženci Prireditve. Finančna sredstva, pridobljena s Srečelovom (po plačilu nagrad in davčnih odtegljajev) bodo namenjena za izvajanje dejavnosti VKS. Srečke se bodo prodajale na dan prireditve, 23.4.2022 od 9:00 do 21:00, na označenih mestih na prireditvenem prostoru. Skupno število srečk je omejeno na 1.000. Srečke bodo oštevilčene s številkami od 0001 do 1000, na njih bo logotip VKS in napis Slovespa 2022 Tombola. Vsaka srečka je sestavljena iz dveh delov – enega prejme udeleženec, drugi pa gre v boben za žreb. Vsak predhodno prijavljen udeleženec prejme ob prihodu (check-in) po eno (1) brezplačno srečko, dodatne srečke se prodajo po enotni ceni 10€/srečko. Brezplačne srečke bodo označene z okroglo luknjo na srečki.
Na Srečelovu bodo izžrebani naslednji dobitki:
Skupna vrednost vseh dobitkov je 4.975 €.
VKS razpolaga z vsemi dobitki pred pričetkom prireditve.
Žrebanje se bo izvedlo 23.4.2022 ob 21:30 na mestu Prireditve.
Komisija za žreb nagrad (“Komisija”) bo sestavljena iz treh članov, katere bodo naključno izbrali udeleženci srečanja na podlagi predlogov. Člani Komisije med seboj izberejo predsednika Komisije. VKS bo poskrbel za ustreznost zapisnika in izvedbo vseh formalnosti po žrebu.
Nagrade bodo izžrebane samo med udeleženci, prisotnimi na žrebu. Nagrade se žrebajo v vrstnem redu od tretje do prve (glavne) nagrade. Srečka, ki je že zadela nagrado, se ne vrne v boben. Nositelj izžrebane srečke je dobitnik nagrade in mora Komisiji in Organizatorju predložiti srečko z izžrebano številko ter svoje osebne podatke (ime, priimek, naslov, davčna številka, kontaktni telefon in e-mail), ki jih bo VKS uporabil izključno za potrebe izvedbe tega Srečelova, skladno z zakonskimi zahtevami.
V kolikor se v roku 2 minut po žrebu številke nositelj srečke ne javi Komisiji, se številka vrne v boben in Komisija ponovi žreb za isto nagrado. To ponavlja tako dolgo, dokler nagrada ni podeljena.
Po žrebu vseh nagrad Komisija potrdi pravilnost žreba in s tem je žrebanje končano. Dobitnika 2. in 3. nagrade svoji nagradi prevzameta takoj na prireditvenem prostoru. Ker je vrednost nagrad nižja od 300€, zanju ni potrebno plačilo Davka na dobitke. Dobitnik glavne nagrade svojo nagrado prevzame v roku 10 delovnih dni od žreba. Dobitnik je ob prevzemu glavne nagrade dolžan plačati Davek na dobitke, v višini, kot je določeno z Zakonom o davku na dobitke pri klasičnih igrah na srečo („ZDDKIS“).
Na Srečelovu lahko sodelujejo vsi udeleženci srečanja, razen udeležencev, ki so bili v zadnjih 2 letih člani VKS, ter zaposlenih podjetja MotoTim in njihovih družinskih članov.
V primeru odpovedi žrebanja se kupnina za srečke, plačane na kraju dogodka, povrne v celoti ob predložitvi srečke. Za srečke, ki jih udeleženci dobijo brezplačno, se kupnina ne vrača.
The “Tombola” is organized by Vespa Klub Slovenija (“VKS”, “Organizer”), Meljski dol 1, 2000 Maribor, based on the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of VKS of March 26, 2022.
The Tombola will take place as part of the Slovespa 2022 Portorož event (“Event”). All registered participants of the Event can take part in the Tombola. The financial proceeds from the Tombola (after the payment of prizes and tax deductions) will be used for the implementation of VKS activities. The tickets will be sold on the day of the event, April 23, 2022 from 9:00 to 21:00, at the marked places in the event spaces. The total number of tickets is limited to 1000. The tickets will be numbered from 0001 to 1000, with the VKS logo and the inscription Slovespa 2022 Tombola. Each ticket consists of two parts – one is given to the participant and the other goes to the draw drum.
Each pre-registered participant receives one (1) free lottery ticket upon arrival (check-in), additional tickets are sold at a price of 10 € / ticket. Free tickets will be markedwith a round hole on the ticket.
The following prizes will be drawn at the Tombola:
The total value of all prizes is 4,975 €. VKS has all the winnings before the start of the event. The draw will take place on April 23, 2022 at 9:30 pm at the Event venue.
The Prize Draw Committee (“the Committee”) will consist of three members, randomly selected by the participants of the meeting on the basis of proposals. The members of the Committee shall elect a President of the Committee from among themselves. VKS will take care of the adequacy of the minutes and the implementation of all formalities after the draw. Prizes will be drawn only among the participants present at the draw. Prizes are drawn in the order from the third to the first (main) prize. The ticket which has already won the prize does not return to the drum. The holders of the drawn tickets are the winners of the prizes and must present to the Committee and the Organizer the ticket with the winning number and their personal data (name, surname, address, tax number, contact phone and e-mail), which VKS will use exclusively for the purposes of this Tombola, in accordance with legal requirements.
If the holder of the drawn number does not report to the Committee within 2 minutes after the draw of that number, the number will be returned to the drum and the Committee will repeat the draw for the same prize. This is repeated until the prize is awarded.
After all prizes are drawn, the Committee confirms the correctness of the draw and the draw is over. The winners of the 2nd and 3rd prize will receive their prizes immediately at the event venue. As the value of the prizes is less than € 300, they are exempt of Income Tax. The winner of the main prize can claim his / her prize within 10 working days after the draw. The winner must pay the Gambling Income tax as defined by the Classic Gambling Tax Act (ZDDKIS).
All participants of the meeting can participate in the Tombola, except for the participants who have been members of VKS in the last 2 years, as well as employees of MotoTim and their family members.
In case of cancellation of the draw, the purchase price for tickets paid at the venue will be refunded in full upon presentation of the ticket. For tickets that participants received for free, the purchase price is non-refundable.
Sezona je pred vrati, zato VKS organizira otvoritveno vožnjo.
Dobimo se v nedeljo, 22. 5. 2016, na bencinskem servisu LOGO na Brezovici pri Ljubljani ob 10-11h.
Odhod proti Postojni ob 11. uri.
V Postojni zbor na bencinskem servisu OMV ob 12 – 12:30h.
Odhod proti Pivki ob 12:30h.
Po želji ogled muzeja Park vojaške zgodovine (13:00)
Ogled muzeja 7 eur., skupaj z ogledom podmornice je cena 10,50 eur. Cena velja za skupino 15 ljudi. Drugače cena mal višja. Ogled traja cca 2uri, do 15h. Po tem možno okrepčilo v bližni Kantini (npr.: vojaški pasulj s klobaso 4-5 eur).
Povratek okoli 16h.
Vožnja na lastno odgovornost, po CPP.
V primeru močnejšega dežja vožnja odpade.
Vabljene vse ljubiteljice in ljubitelji vesp!
Se vidimo.